Family Supports for Children with Disabilities (FSCD)
Understanding Family Managed Services
Family Managed Services is a funding option that empowers families to select and manage their therapeutic home team for their child. Woven Blessings a team of pediatric OT’s, behaviour coaches, a registered dietitian and a family navigator to support your child. We also work with child psychologists, pediatric speech pathologists and physical therapists and can have them join your team as needed.
How We Can Help
We support children who have funding for Behavioural Developmental Support or Specialized Services.
Collaboratively, our multidisciplinary team will work with the family and child to help create and conquer their goals in the areas of:
communication and social skills
physical abilities
cognitive abilities
self-help skills and adaptive functioning
We help the family set goals and then help implement those goals at home, school and in the community.
Family Managed Services
Feel free to email us:
if you have any questions about the process.